Junior Hospitality Club, Inc.

Junior Hospitality Club has been able to contribute in excess of $2 million to a wide variety of organizations and agencies. Members of Junior Hospitality are continually rewarded by the knowledge that their efforts make a real difference in the lives of many.

Since the Club's founding in 1934, Junior Hospitality has had an ever increasing impact on Oklahoma City. Many now thriving agencies received important start-up or seed money from the Club while other groups have made capital improvements through JH Grant funding. Non-profit agencies also rely on the women of Junior Hospitality to provide an independent and reliable source of funding for a variety of community projects.

Recent Grant Recipients: 
Skyline-Urban Ministry
Allied Arts
Oklahoma Children's Hospital Foundation
Girls on the Run of Central Oklahoma
Sharing Tree
Dress for Success
Heart and Home Makeovers
Center for Children and Families
Pivot - A Turning Point for Youth
La Luz
Citizens Caring for Children
AIDS Walk of Oklahoma City
City Care
Peaceful Family OK
Fostering Sweet Dreams
Calm Waters
Free to Live Animal Sanctuary
Brendan McLarty Memorial Foundation
Fostering Sweet Dreams
The K-Club
Harding Fine Arts Academy